Business management concept has changed and presented itself in different levels and in different challenges. Before the changes of the management models and internet, in the hierarchical management models, we observe efficiencies are very low and limited, beside these, businesses were depending on the people.
With todays need of increasing the productivity, and developing fastly, executives are in the effort of delegation and completion of their responsibilities. This authorization delegation caused fast development, productivity and challenging environment provided by the new management in the organizations.
It is observed that, high level management ( CxO’s) has some general essentials on the way to go for success, by completing their targets fastly, successfully and efficiently.
• Passion: You should have “want”. If you don’t want, you will not have any aim. You should continue to want.
• Surround yourself with excellent people: Create your perfect environment with them. Don’t be afraid from their excellence.
• Create your environment with successfull people. It is very hard to hire a best person, but you should spend your effort to keep high their motivations and their visions. We know every employee’s productivity is different. Direct the people who is focusing on big projects, not on small projects.
• Simplicity. Sometimes Low-Tech usage may be faster. That’s why you should be careful when choosing your tools. High-Tech may bring very good benefits, but you may lose your time unconsciously.
• Know your “want” : Always remember the reasons of your passion and by knowing this, keep your motivation high and take your actions.
• Know your “secret formula” : What is your speciality than other leaders? How are they observing and evaluating you?
• Take decisons to be perfect: Taking good decisions is not easy all the time. But taking bad decisions are better than not to decide. Always take the decisions to move forward.
• Balance: Try to be stable. Anxiety and keeping this inside of yours, will harm to you, and you will not enjoy about your working environment.
• Execute: Always target one thing to achieve when you start to your day and do it. Do not be a slave of your todo list. If you move forward by achieving one thing in a day, then try to imagine how many achievements you can do in a year. Isn’t it too much?
• Create your own system: With the reality of every people are different, create your own system for your efficiency and the efficiency of people surrounding you, and act in this way.
Being successfull and continue on this, it is only possible with a stable and planned process. It is up to you to evaluate yourself with the past examples.
Mehmet Bilginsoy – July 2008