Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Appraise – “Secret of Success”

Appraise – “Secret of Success”

Technology is not developing in synchronicity. When some of the things are developing rapidly, the others are only following. For instance, battery technology is still behind of silicon technology. This causes a barrier for mobility and long time usage of the new products, moreover limits the usage of our gadgets where energy consumptions are high.

On the other hand, when we look at the developments in information technology, there was a transition from centrally structured architectures to distributed structure architectures in the past times and penetration has been done with distributed systems and utilization of processing powers has been taken. In spite of the benefits of the distributed systems, management problems have been started. With the complications of the systems managements and with the necessities of the efficiency, information technology world started to direct itself to centrally structured architectures. Now, the trend is centrally management from a single point, reporting and developing applications.

It has been seen that it is very crucial to measure every establishment itself and their efficiency, and to create the reporting.

In my previous article, I have been mentioned about that we are on the go for a future of advertising ourselves by saying “Now adverts!” where we could start immediately.

If we look how i passed from a process, first I created my blog media. But when I saw that there was no one coming to my site, then I thought that advertising could be a good option. I started the advertising by designing my campaign, keywords on Google search engine depending on my budget. Yes, advertising has been started. Then, I saw that I have not known that where these people were coming from, how much time they were spending on my site, who were coming via adverts, who were reaching directly. Then, I found new resources and applications to answer my questions. After activating them, I started to know perfectly that, where they are coming from, which country,how, and trends that they are creating.

Now, I succeded to appraise myself and got a report about this. The best side, I have thought that it could take long times to set up this kind of infrastructure, but it was not, it was so quick.

I think the people are wrong who is thinking that “Google is a search engine.” With the tools of Google, usage of technology is a child game. It is very easy to understand why Google is the number one company in the world. Using of creative and innovative informations by everybody, provides grow to Google everyday.

Technology driven by needs with the limitless resources of internet are exciting all of us. Take your place with your new ideas and use these tools to achieve your aims. Google AdWords and Google AdSense are two main utility which brings value immediately.

I kindly invite you to get these benefits.

Mehmet Bilginsoy

March 2008

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