Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Route on Efficiency

New Route on Efficiency

If you are in your average working day, then you may lose about one hour to do or complete something. However, you may not be able to do this; because to find the right information, to reach the right tools and to access to right person, will be very hard due to inefficient processes. According to the Enterprise Efficiency Institute report, the people who work spend 25% of their time for searching the information they need. Every week, 42% of the working people decide with wrong information that will cause a rework. Especially today where the economy went down, it becomes more important to improve the business efficiency and needs to be done as soon as possible.

With the results of surveys, in efficiency credence indices, 53% of people who believe the improvement in efficiency will increase in the short and the mid term. On the other hand 32% of people believe that efficiency will not change, and 15% believe that will decrease. These rates change from sector to sector. We see the insurance and health sector comes at the first rank where they believe they need this, and public sector comes as last one where they believe the efficiency will decrease.

Today, you may work better and be more talented than the previous years. We know that technology has a potential to increase the business efficiency while it has a dropping effect in costs. With the necessities and the widespread of the globalization, we observe the new talents, specialities and resources become more important in business environments. It will be seen that, 2/3 of working people are located in the developing markets. Social Networking tools, business partnerships on internet forced to a customer focused thinking. We see an increase in the amount of people who access to information and resources everytime and everywhere.

It is necessary for a culture change in the organizations, in order to use the resources apportioned actively and to see the employees and employers as one group. It is seen that the organizations are easily reaching to their efficiency goals where they are open to change and using the technology tools with the other parties.

Working people are ready, they know their job and they have valuable ideas; but the existing processes are stopping them. The whole companies and organizations in the world are going at process exploring and restructuring for creating a commonplace for their employees, customers and business partners. Their aim is to form the creativity, to cheer the problem solving, and to build institutionalization. If we can create intelligent and talented businesses like our employees, then we can take good decisions, we can better use our relations and we can create efficient, connected and agile processes.

Mehmet Bilginsoy – July 09

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