How about our "FaceBook" ?
Nowadays Facebook madness is growing. And spreading like a virus. Usually I do not attend to these type of portals. Everything started with an invitation e-mail I got from my wife. In fact, I was not interesting in it. After registration and being a member, I started to connect with the firends already I have and the previously I've known. Time to time, I am logging in and I see that, with a full addiction "facebook" is spending the times of its users.
Facebook is growing with the members more than 40 Million ( Today Oct.2007 ). Certainly, "Facebook" will stamp to the year of 2007 as a "Year of Technology Company". When it is heard that the evaluation of the company and the numbers we have heard that the company worths some billions.
Another madness flood started. In 2000s ".com" companies existed like pop corns, grew fastly and suddenly disappeared and closed. Thinking that, somehow, we are like in the same starting period. If we look to the compaines like Facebook, MySpace, Google, Yahoo, Monster, Youtube and Skype, their values are increasing with their technology leadership; ownerships are changing with merger and acquisitions. Enourmous increases come by with the stock values. I do not know, the lessons learned from the past are how useful, but certainly there are people who really makes money.
It is a fact that that the expenditures for investing of these companies in order to keep the informations they have, are much more than the revenues they get from the advertisements. For those companies the most important thing is being a "brand". In order to be a "Brand", spread the name of the company or its product with different marketing strategies, after spreading collect the information to increase the value of the company. The system is very simple; especially be effective over young generation, be trend and pervasive with whisper network, then increase this commonness with technology and continue to increase geometrically.
I wonder, The informations in Facebook, to whom and how much benefit gives? But, it has some entetaining points.
These type of companies are starting up generally in the Universities, by the young people in order to share some informations between them. Insipite of having nearly 100 university, why don't we have these type work of arts in Turkey which can gain value and become "brand"?
Lack of population?, Lack of knowledge? Lack of enterpreneurial spirit? or ignorance? I think that it will be valuable if it should be investigated deeply.
Today most necessary and valuable approach should be, transform the creativity to a "value", then share this "value", and establish a healthy way with the lessons learned from the past.
I hope, one day, we can create something which can be useful in the world, known, heard, became brand. And this brings more income than the amount we got from the privatisations.
See you in Facebook....
Mehmet Bilginsoy
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