Friday, February 15, 2008

"Think" for a Change

“Think” for a Change

In the year of 50s and 60s, there were "Think" signs on the walls of American offices. These were placed in easily noticable places in the offices , and directs the people to think. Although it is not possible to measure whether it is good or not, it is surely that it has a contribution for the people's creativity.

It is one of the creativity factors of ours, composing and to realizing the informations in our minds. Thinking, concretizing and executing. The use of technology stays as a tool in order to transform the creativity to innovative approaches. Even though it happens with the use of technology, innovative results depends on how we are using our brains, and how much we are thinking.

We can be in error, if we look for the innovations in far away places. The tools, methods, configurations used in our daily life, are the new changes for us which bring more efficient, more usable, cheaper, better, and smaller. There is no need to be an inventor, it is enough to have a look around. Most of the innovations have been appeared, after mostly experienced problems and they have been enriched with the new things.

When innovative approaches shapes our life with efficiencies, on the other hand it refreshes the economy, changes the way of work and supports for speeding up the life cycle.

Thinking, creating ideas for efficient results and executing them, will provide huge values to our private and business life. The TV series like "Star Trek" and "The Jetsons" have given inspirations, and these spatial themes become real. There are many things to get inspirations in our daily life, why not to have them?

Maybe, it would be better to route and direct the people to become more creative by hanging the "Think" notices to the walls again.

Mehmet Bilginsoy

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